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Triumph Over Time: John Windsor’s Marathon Comeback

Triumph Over Time: John Windsor's Marathon Comeback Run Tri Bike Enjoying The Journey

Signing up for a marathon is filled with excitement as well as trepidation. There are many questions that we ask ourselves as we make the decision to run 26.2 miles. We understand that the journey will be filled with challenges as well as successes but that doesn’t make it any easier to press register. As our Enjoying The Journey series with John Windsor continues we are struck by his determination and wisdom to make his return to the marathon a success. Part of his determination is to prove that age is just a number but he also knows that he cannot just wing it. John’s triumph over time isn’t just about his marathon finishing time. His achievement is 30+ years in the making.

Positive News from the Doctor’s Office

John recently had a conversation with his doctor, where he received the exciting news that he could pursue his dream of running a marathon. The positivity and hope that fueled John’s mindset were evident as he shared, “I was on the positive, hopeful side and figured that if she really shot it down, that I would find some other quest.”

Internal Motivation and Legendary Inspiration

The inspiration for John’s marathon pursuit came from internal motivation and a deep love for running. He drew inspiration from legendary athletes like Olga Catelko, who set world records and won gold medals in her later years. John’s internal drive, combined with the realization that running didn’t hurt his knee when approached differently, set the stage for his marathon goal.

As John reflected on his motivation, he shared, “My primary intention is that I’m doing this to be an example.” This awareness of being an inspiration to others fueled John’s dedication to the training process. John’s eyes lit up when presented with the notion that others that have shared their story with Run Tri Bike have referenced John as an example of pursing their goals regardless of the obstacle that sits in front of them.

Training: A Gradual Improvement Mindset

An athlete doesn’t just get to the finish line. They will spend days, weeks, months in training so that they can be prepared for their event. In this scenario John is no different but his circumstances are different. He has to approach training with a gradual improvement mindset. The marathon that he is running has a 6 hour time limit and he knows that he would not be able to do that today. This means that his training has to be focus on consistency lowering his per mile paces.

Incorporating key run:walk cycles will allow him to improve his fitness. While discussing the time limit and training, he emphasized the importance of learning from past experiences. One of those post experiences as to incorporate regular stretching and weight training into his routine.


Navigating Roadblocks: Nutrition and Hydration

John’s acknowledged the potential roadblocks that can stand in his way on his path to the finish line. Beyond the mileage, he chatted about nutrition and hydration which are key components to success. Regarding hydration, he wondered if a running vest would allow him to carry the liquid he will need. He is also considering the additional weight he would be carrying and that impact on his pace. These are all things that we consider when we register for races but for John it could mean the difference between finishing in under 6 hours and being swept off the course.

Patience in the Age of Instant Gratification

Today, we have the ability for instant gratification. Want a burger delivered in 15 minutes? Just press a few buttons and it shows up at your door. This isn’t the case for participating in endurance sports. If we have a goal, we must plan and strategize so that we can achieve what we set out to do. Even in those moments, there is still a chance that we miss our goals. John’s story is a reminder of the value of patience. While the marathon is 9 months away, John understands the impact of small improvements over time. These consistent improvements will lead him to a triumph over time where time has multiple values. Those time values include finishing in less than 6 hours. They are also present in the fact that this journey has been 30+ years in the making.

The Right Mindset: Your Greatest Asset

As John continues to train, he knows that he has already cleared one hurdle and pivoted around another. This determination to overcome and work around is an example for all of us. The right mindset can be your greatest asset on your path to success. 30+ years is a long time, but so is 6 hours. Both of these ‘times’ are roadblocks for many. For John, his triumph over time has started and will culminate at the finish line of the Long View marathon.


Jason Bahamundi Run Tri Bike Magazine Owner Triathlete Ultra Runner Trail Runner
Jason Bahamundi, founder of Run Tri Bike, is a passionate and accomplished endurance athlete dedicated to proving that there is a spot at the starting line for everybody and every body. With a background deeply rooted in the world of triathlons, running, and cycling, Jason has not only excelled in his personal athletic endeavors but is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive world of endurance sports. This led him to establish Run Tri Bike, a platform that serves as a hub for enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and access valuable resources. Jason's genuine enthusiasm for endurance sports, continues to inspire individuals to pursue their goals and embrace the transformative power of an endurance sports lifestyle.