Sunrise Trails is a monthly trail running group for all levels of runners with the emphasis on new runners or those interested in trying trail running..
We meet monthly year round at 7am at a different trail each month. Our runs are typically between 8-12kms. We offer trail running tips and fuelling advice too. This group was started to share my love of nature and running. I love to encourage others to get moving in a fun way and on occasion, we even see the sunrise. The best part is that it is FREE to all.
1- When did the club start?
Sunrise Trails had its first trail run June 20, 2021. This Sunday will be our 16th trail run!
2- How many members are in the club?
At our first run we had about 5 people but now we can have up to around 30 people. The numbers vary each month but we do have regulars that join us each month. Our group is very welcoming to all newcomers.
3- Do you have any examples of members of the club supporting each other?
Sunrise Trails supports the other running groups in the community. We have done “mash-ups” with other trail running groups whereby we bring our groups together for a run. This introduces runners to other clubs available as well as meeting
4- Does the club decide on an event to participate at and all show up as a group?
Sunrise Trails decides the location as to where we will run each month but are definitely open to suggestions from the group.
5- Do you have experts (nutrition, coaching, running store, etc) come and talk to the group?
I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist so I always talk about the importance of nutrition and hydration for endurance sports. I will talk to the group about what to eat before a run, how to fuel during a long run as well as fueling after a run. Xact Nutrition sponsors our runs so we will often provide fuel and sometimes hydration for the group to try.
We also talk about what gear (we are also sponsored by Kahtoola and Nathan Sports Inc) and what to wear depending on the season – topics such as trail shoes, spikes, hydration packs, including layering in the winter months.
6- How do the members of the club learn from each other? What are the social aspects of the club outside of the group run?
After each run we all meet for coffee which gives us an opportunity to socialise, build friendships and learn from each other. Sometimes the coffee chats last longer than the runs.