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SheTris Sprint Triathlon 2024 I’On Club Race Report

The best thing(s) about the race:
• Went smooth!
• Friendly
• Fun
What was less than ideal: 2 areas on course. One got me 2 years ago when I did it. But the second loop for the bike signs are very confusing. One says second loop. It’s like ok is this for second loop or if you already did it. I had to stop. And on run the 1 mile sign you pass then you go around a loop and pass the sign again that says 1 mile. So I’m thinking is it 1 mile now or 1.25 now. More mile markers for run and bike would be nice
What I didn't expect: Mimosas!
Race organization: So Good!
Fuel and aid stations: Great!
Overall grade: 5 stars