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Changing Sports Nutrition: The Journey of Kristyn Carriere and Seven Summits Snacks

Changing Sports Nutrition: The Journey of Kristyn Carriere and Seven Summits Snacks Run Tri Bike

The world of endurance sports and entrepreneurialism are more intertwined than one might think. The resilience, determination, and passion required to succeed in endurance sports are the same qualities that drive entrepreneurs to build successful businesses. Kristyn Carriere, the founder of Seven Summits Snacks, is an ideal example of this connection. Her journey from a food scientist to the creator of a unique chocolate-based energy bar company is a testament to how endurance sports can inspire and sustain a business venture. Kristyn and Seven Summits Snacks is changing sports nutrition. Her story shows us the challenges she faced, and how her experience in endurance sports has influenced her entrepreneurial journey.

From Food Scientist to Entrepreneur

Kristyn Carriere’s journey began with a strong foundation in the chocolate industry. “I am a food scientist by training,” Kristyn shares. “I’ve only ever worked in, for the most part, the chocolate industry.” Her extensive experience working for renowned companies like Cadbury and Godiva equipped her with the knowledge and skills necessary to create high-quality chocolate products. However, the idea for Seven Summits Snacks did not come solely from her professional background.

The inspiration for Seven Summits Snacks was born from a personal need. Kristyn, an avid marathon runner, and her sister, a triathlete, were dissatisfied with the available energy gels and fuels. “My mouth would be all raw. My stomach would feel gross,” Kristyn recalls. They both longed for a more enjoyable and effective fuel for their endurance activities. This led Kristyn to consider the nutritional potential of chocolate. “Chocolate has a really good balance of nutrients,” she explains. With its fat, carbohydrates, and calories, chocolate seemed like a perfect solution.

The Birth of Seven Summits Snacks

The journey from idea to business was not straightforward. The turning point came during a personal tragedy. Kristyn’s partner, who had been attempting to climb the Seven Summits, tragically passed away during his descent of Mount Everest, very shortly after summiting and achieving his goal. In the midst of her grief, Kristyn experienced a moment of clarity and inspiration. “I woke up in the middle of the night and was like, it’s called Seven Summits Snacks,” she recalls. This moment solidified her resolve to turn the idea into a reality.

Upon returning to Canada, Kristyn faced numerous challenges. Despite her expertise, finding employment in boutique chocolatiers proved difficult. “No one wanted to hire me, so I thought I guess I’m starting this company then,” she says. And so, Seven Summits Snacks was born, with a mission to create a delicious and functional chocolate-based energy bar.




Overcoming Obstacles

Building a business is never easy, and Kristyn faced her fair share of obstacles. One of the biggest challenges was changing the perception of chocolate as a treat to be enjoyed sparingly. “People have been told that chocolate is a treat,” Kristyn explains. Educating consumers about the functional benefits of chocolate was crucial. Seven Summits Snacks aimed to offer a product that was not only delicious but also nutritionally balanced and suitable for endurance sports.

The packaging and format of the energy bars were carefully designed to meet the needs of athletes. “We put it in a pouch, it has a tear top on it, so that when it does melt, you can just push it and use it like any other product you already know how to use,” Kristyn explains. This attention to detail ensured that the bars were convenient and practical for athletes, whether they were running marathons or climbing mountains.

The Intersection of Business and Sport

Kristyn’s experience as an endurance athlete significantly influenced her approach to running the business. The mindset required for endurance sports—breaking tasks into manageable chunks, staying focused, and persevering through challenges—translated well into the entrepreneurial world.

This connection between business and sport led her to have a bar that was perfect for one hour of training or racing. While she is changing sports nutrition to adopt chocolate, she understands that there are some ‘guidelines’ that her company needs to operate within. When asked about why one hour was important, Kristyn said, “One hour is a practical number. I like it from a mindset perspective,” Kristyn notes. This philosophy guided the development of their product, designed to provide energy for an hour of activity.

Kristyn’s endurance background also helped her navigate the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. “We’re clearly stubborn because you have to be able to get through the distance whether that is a race or business,” she says. This stubbornness and determination were essential when facing rejections and setbacks. Kristyn compares it to the experience of “DNFing” (Did Not Finish) in a race. Just as athletes focus on the training and progress leading up to an event, Kristyn kept her eyes on the long-term goals and progress of her business, even when faced with immediate failures.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Kristyn’s journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those involved in endurance sports. One key piece of advice she shares is the importance of passion and resilience. “I think as athletes, especially as youth athletes, you just don’t know how to give up until it’s clawed from you,” she emphasizes. This tenacity is crucial in both sports and business.

Another important lesson is the need to manage expectations and break down goals into manageable steps. This approach helps maintain motivation and focus, whether training for a marathon or building a business. By setting realistic milestones and celebrating small victories, entrepreneurs can stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Looking Ahead

As Seven Summits Snacks continues to grow, Kristyn remains committed to expanding the business while maintaining its core values. Plans for expansion into the US and UK markets are underway, with the goal of bringing their unique chocolate-based energy bars to a wider audience. Kristyn’s experience as an endurance athlete has not only shaped the product but also the vision for the company’s future.

Kristyn Carriere’s journey from a food scientist to the founder of Seven Summits Snacks is an example of how endurance sports and entrepreneurialism are interconnected. Changing sports nutrition is not easy but thanks to passion, resilience, and a strategic mindset in overcoming obstacles the company is on its way. For aspiring entrepreneurs, Kristyn’s journey can serve as a road map. Entrepreneurs and athletes will face challenges, and will need to leverage their unique experiences to create something truly remarkable. Seven Summits Snacks proves that this sentiment is true.


Jason Bahamundi Run Tri Bike Magazine Owner Triathlete Ultra Runner Trail Runner
Jason Bahamundi, founder of Run Tri Bike, is a passionate and accomplished endurance athlete dedicated to proving that there is a spot at the starting line for everybody and every body. With a background deeply rooted in the world of triathlons, running, and cycling, Jason has not only excelled in his personal athletic endeavors but is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive world of endurance sports. This led him to establish Run Tri Bike, a platform that serves as a hub for enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and access valuable resources. Jason's genuine enthusiasm for endurance sports, continues to inspire individuals to pursue their goals and embrace the transformative power of an endurance sports lifestyle.