In our ongoing series, Enjoying the Journey, we continue to follow the experiences of Sho Gray, an ultra runner with a unique approach to training and life. Our latest conversation with Sho provided insights into his training adjustments, his love for manga, and his thoughts on balancing mental and physical preparation. Let’s explore the wisdom Sho has shared as woks on the art of flexibility in his training.
Adapting Training Plans: The Key to Success
During our latest discussion, Sho emphasized the importance and the art of flexibility in his training regimen. “My entire training is 100% about making the best decisions I can,” Sho shared. He has a structured plan leading up to his major event in November, but he knows that adjustments are inevitable. “Life does happen,” he acknowledged, explaining that sometimes unexpected events or physical conditions necessitate changes in his schedule.
Sho’s approach is a blend of meticulous planning and intuitive adaptation. He recalled a recent workout where he had to cut his run short due to feeling dehydrated and overexerted. “Making that decision right where I needed to was the best thing ever because my heart rate had climbed to a point where it was not good,” Sho explained. This ability to listen to his body and adjust on the fly has become a crucial part of his training strategy.
Learning from Mistakes: A Path to Improvement
Sho’s wisdom is hard-earned, coming from a history of pushing himself too hard and facing the consequences. “I’ve made many mistakes,” he admitted. These experiences have taught him to respect his limits and to make smart decisions about when to push and when to pull back. “If you want to improve, you need to understand that you are human. You can’t have perfect days all the time,” he reflected.
Sho hopes to impart these lessons to others, encouraging them to learn from his experiences rather than repeat the same mistakes. “Sometimes we have to undergo a couple of mistakes here and there to remind ourselves that we are just human,” he said. This humility and willingness to adapt are key components of Sho’s philosophy which included the art of flexibility.
Finding Joy in Manga and Anime
Outside of his training, Sho finds inspiration and relaxation in manga and anime. These stories offer more than just entertainment; they provide valuable lessons and emotional support. “I enjoy character development in manga. It gives me an escape from my reality but also encouragement,” Sho explained. The struggles and triumphs of fictional characters resonate with his own journey, providing both solace and motivation.
Sho’s love for manga began in childhood and has evolved over the years. “When I was a child, I definitely looked up to manga characters,” he said. As he grew older, he began to see these stories as sources of personal development. “I was actually able to see their character development and put myself there, thinking, ‘I could do that too,’” Sho shared. This mindset has helped him in his athletic pursuits, offering a mental framework for overcoming challenges.
The Balance Between Mental and Physical Preparation
One of the most intriguing aspects of Sho’s approach is his focus on balancing mental and physical preparation. He believes that mental strength is just as important as physical training. “Mentally speaking, I believe I’m exactly where I need to be. I’m very confident with where I’m going,” Sho said. This confidence comes from his ability to separate his mental and physical states and address them independently.
Sho’s mental preparation includes maintaining a positive and realistic outlook. He practices reframing his thoughts from “if I win” to “when I win,” reinforcing his belief in his own success. This mental shift is crucial for building the resilience needed to face the inevitable ups and downs of training and competition.
Diet Experimentation: Fueling the Journey
Nutrition plays a significant role in Sho’s training, and he is constantly experimenting to find the best diet for his needs. Recently, he reintroduced kimchi into his meals. “I felt like I needed more probiotics in my life,” Sho explained. This decision was partly based on scientific reasoning and partly on his enjoyment of the taste. Sho’s approach to diet is flexible and responsive, much like his training regimen.
The Road Ahead: Strategy and Goals
As race day approaches, Sho continues to fine-tune his strategy. He grades his progress critically but constructively. “I’m ahead of where I thought I’d be in running, but I need to work on my recovery,” he said. Sho recognizes the importance of sleep and recovery, areas he plans to improve in the coming months. His approach is holistic, considering physical training, mental preparation, and overall well-being.
The Art of Flexibility
Sho Gray’s journey gives us examples of adaptability, self-awareness, and continuous learning. Whether it’s adjusting a training plan, drawing inspiration from manga, or balancing mental and physical preparation, Sho’s approach is both pragmatic and inspiring. His story reminds us that the journey will require us to master the art of flexibility. By embracing the process, making necessary adjustments, and finding joy along the way, we can achieve our dreams and grow as individuals.