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SheTris South Charlotte
Where: North Carolina
When: June 2, 2024
Race length: Sprint Triathlon
Quick Tips:
• Get familiar with the start and finish of each leg of the race
• Eat, hydrate, try and sleep, don’t over think it, one piece of the event as you go, stay in the moment. I’m in line at swim and trying to figure out how to be faster changing my clip shoes to running shoes.

The best thing(s) about the race:
• Pool swim
• Organization/someone always around to help
• Prizes, food, fun stuff to do
What was less than ideal: Uphill run finish, but we all struggled
What I didn't expect: To place in my age group!!! Ha ha These women are the best athletes!!!
Race organization: Very organized and volunteers know the rules
Fuel and aid stations: Excellent
Additional info: The swim pace calculator is confusing, it seems backwards to us. Is there a reason the signs can’t say our actual pace per 100 meters instead of 10-1. Also put the signs on longer sticks, the poor organizers had to hold them up over their head.
Overall grade: 4 stars