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SheTris Sprint Triathlon I’On Club by Amanda Hashem
Where: South Carolina
When: May 21, 2022
Race length: Sprint Triathlon
Quick Tips:
• If you want your phone after the race, take it with you on the run, as you can’t get into transition until the last cyclist has finished the course

The best thing(s) about the race:
• Venue/course was lovely, even with construction modifications, good bathrooms, excellent police and volunteer presence at intersections along the course
• Distances were achievable
• Friendly, Helpful, Motivating Volunteers everywhere!
What was less than ideal: Could the swim placards (1-2, 3-4, 5-6 etc) have swim times like that old chart you used to have and not just descriptions? (Ex: 5 = 5:00/200yd, 6 = 4:45/200yd etc and not just “I am an efficient freestyler” or “I am super fast and swam in college” or something along those lines) It’s hard to self-seed when times aren’t posted and you end up with folks in the wrong spot.
What I didn't expect: Love the cool towels and water trailer at the finish!
Race organization: Wonderfully organized, as always!
Fuel and aid stations: Did not use, but saw SAG bikes and water stations frequently!
Additional info: Love the material for this year’s tanks - more flowing and flexible than the old cotton tanks! Love the racer back style too!
Overall grade: 5 stars