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Whisky Basin 91K by Jack Shrader

Where: Arizona
When: April 23, 2022
Race length: Ultra
Quick Tips:
• Start off slow, this course will fool you. It’s flat for an Aravaipa event.
Whiskey Basin Race Report Aravaipa Running Trail Ultra Run Tri Bike Magazine
The best thing(s) about the race:
• Possibly the most underrated trails in Arizona are in Prescott where this race is held. Beautiful course, as a result of a forest fire in 2022 I ran the deviated course for the 91K and can’t wait to get back to run the full circle. Wide open views and decents with cooler temperatures make this a fast and fun course.
• Prescott is such a fun city to stay before and after the race. Fun little strip of bars and shops to explore (if you can walk after the 91K)
• This is probably a great first 100K for many runners. The largest distance to an aid is 10 miles and the rest range from 5-8 miles not to mention as I said earlier the temperatures are perfect usually for this race.
What was less than ideal: This course is pretty much 100% runnable, which isn’t less than ideal however because of that beware of taking out too fast. I crushed the first 50 miles and basically zombie walked the last 8 in 2022 because I ran too fast for too long
What I didn't expect: There are some exposed climbs late in the race and even with Temps around 70 degrees it got hot towards the end.
Race organization: Very organized, for having to deviate the course last second as a result of a forest fire. Aravaipa killed it, I enjoyed the entire course.
Fuel and aid stations: Aid stations are perfect, never too far. One 10 mile stretch on the normal course may present a challenge if you don’t fuel properly early on.
Additional info: Whisky Basin is a must one time. Love the entire course is a loop. Plan on running again
Overall grade: 5 stars