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SheTris Sprint Triathlon I’On Club by Kristen S Anderson
Where: South Carolina
When: May 21, 2022
Race length: Sprint Triathlon
Quick Tips:
• Don't be nervous
• Train to the best of your ability
The best thing(s) about the race:
• Feeling of comraderie among women
• Organization of event, including packet pick up and communications, and especially day of event.
• Venue for the race
What was less than ideal: Really no!
What I didn't expect: The fun and convivial atmosphere
Race organization: ABSOLUTELY well-organized - all aspects
Fuel and aid stations: Wish there was more access to water before race and after biking/before run
Additional info: This is a great event and my first time participating in this particular one (I have done several others, usually in Wisconsin and Illinois). I hope to do it again next year and encourage my friends to do it.
Overall grade: 5 stars