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Rainier to Ruston Relay

When: June 6, 2023
Where: Ruston, WA

Who doesn’t love to cram into a vehicle at the wee early morning hours with run gear, snacks and your friends in anticipation of the van becoming more rancid as the day goes on? (BIG TIP! Ziploc bags for sweaty clothes). Adventures await you as you climb in the vehicle like clowns at the circus.

Teams of 2, 3, 4 or 6 runners will compete to win the coveted RR spikes for each award category. What’s better than that? In fact EVERYONE is a winner with the reward of a craft beer garden and grilled cheese made on site (gf and vegan options!) at the finish line. Look up to see the stunner of Mount Rainer. Go ahead and get a professional mug shot with Sasquatch and our bell stand with that gem in the background. Feel free to lay down and rehash stories of the epic relay adventure that started from the base of Mount Rainier to the cool, grassy waterfront of Tacoma you are now resting on. Put your feet up. You deserve it.
