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MB is 60! 6K

When: October 19, 2023
Where: Athens, GA

MB IS 60!

A Run, Jog, Walk, and/or Crawl event


October 19, 2023

Clover Glove Race Series – All proceeds support Georgia 4-H

MaryBeth Forwood was born in a somewhat notable year to the United States, and likes to test servers who “card” her by asking if they can guess the year she was born – giving them a hint that she was born the year a US President was assassinated – several of them have passed the test, but there was the one who replied “Was it Lincoln?”!  Maybe a compliment to her age, but wrong, she was born in 1963 – and so here we are in 2023 and she is going to be 60!

Clover Glove celebrates as many holidays as possible.  So MaryBeth wants to add a celebration on her day and contribute even more support to 4-H.  A live event is planned with her family in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida – and anyone who would like to join the live event is more than welcome (email for more information).

For the rest of you please, join us for the virtual event – as indicated above, this is a RUN, JOG, WALK, AND/OR CRAWL EVENT:

WHEN:  Complete the distance, 6 kilometers on October 19, 2023.  Enter finish times using the following link___________________ no later than 11:59 CENTRAL TIME on 10/19/23.

AWARDS: In keeping with Clover Glove tradition – no official awards but have fun, celebrate with your favorite birthday cake and beverage of choice.

REGISTRATION: $6.00.  Additional gifts to 4 H are appreciated. Register by October 18, 2023
