In the latest installment of “Enjoying the Journey,” we catch up with Andrew Marmion as he continues his training for the upcoming London Marathon. As Andrew enters week nine of his 26-week training plan, he reflects on navigating ego and burnout while pursuing his marathon dreams. In this conversation, Andrew shares insights into his training routine, recent milestones, and the mindset that propels him forward.
This monthly series discusses the challenges and triumphs of athletes working tirelessly towards their goals, focusing on the journey rather than just the destination.
Navigating Ego and Burnout: Andrew Marmion’s Marathon Journey
Jason Bahamundi, founder of Run Tri Bike, is a passionate and accomplished endurance athlete dedicated to proving that there is a spot at the starting line for everybody and every body. With a background deeply rooted in the world of triathlons, running, and cycling, Jason has not only excelled in his personal athletic endeavors but is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive world of endurance sports. This led him to establish Run Tri Bike, a platform that serves as a hub for enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and access valuable resources. Jason's genuine enthusiasm for endurance sports, continues to inspire individuals to pursue their goals and embrace the transformative power of an endurance sports lifestyle.