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Cross Country to Marathons: Kevin Shea’s Evolution

From Cross Country to Marathons Kevin Shea Run Tri Bike
Kevin Shea
Year started: 1972
Next race: September 5, 2024 / Disneyland® Halloween Half Marathon / Los Angeles, CA
Favorite gear:
  • Under Armour (It’s a Baltimore thing)
  • Goodr sunglasses

Kevin Shea’s journey into running began in a place we all know and remember: high school. Growing up in a sports-oriented family, Kevin tried various activities, but it wasn’t until 9th grade that he found his stride in cross country. “I loved cross country when it came to spring. I survived track, and I think that’s because I like running in warmer weather,” Kevin recalls. Though he enjoyed running, he didn’t pursue it seriously beyond high school, choosing instead to stay active through intramural sports and casual fitness. That could be the end of his story but it wasn’t and his path from high school cross country to marathons is filled with obstacles and lessons.

A Life-Changing Moment in 2002

Fast forward to Christmas 2001, when a photograph sparked a profound change. Kevin looked at a picture of himself and barely recognized the man he saw. “I saw a picture of myself and said, who the hell is that guy? What’s he doing with my wife in this Christmas picture? That face has to go,” Kevin shares. This moment marked the beginning of his return to running. By January 2002, Kevin was hitting the pavement again, driven by a desire to reclaim his health and fitness.

The Journey Back: From 5Ks to Marathons

Kevin’s comeback began modestly with local 5Ks and 10Ks, but it wasn’t long before he set his sights on more significant challenges. By 2003, he was running half marathons and completed his first full marathon in Baltimore that October. The journey from high school cross country to marathons was complete, even if he didn’t set out to specifically take that ride.

Reflecting on his first marathon, Kevin admits, “I felt pretty good. I’m like, yeah, I can do this. I was with the four-hour pace group. Just hang with them as long as I can, and I’ll be okay.” Despite the difficulty, Kevin finished his first marathon with a respectable time, setting a benchmark for future races.

Overcoming Health Challenges: Neck Surgery and a Quintuple Bypass

Kevin’s running journey hasn’t been without its obstacles. In 2006, he began losing feeling in his left arm, leading to a diagnosis of bone chips in his neck discs. This required surgery to remove two discs and insert titanium plates. Just as he was recovering, a car accident broke one of the plates, necessitating further surgery. “I’ve had three big ones in 15 years,” Kevin says, referencing the surgeries and a subsequent quintuple bypass in 2021. Through each challenge, he demonstrated resilience and determination, taking time off to recover and gradually returning to his running routine.


The Power of Community: Running with a Club

One of the keys to Kevin’s success has been the support of running groups. Initially running solo, Kevin joined the Purcellville Plodders in 2004, finding motivation and camaraderie among fellow runners. “Just the community is so important. I wish I knew how important it was when I was younger because I would have trained a lot better back in those days,” Kevin reflects. The accountability and encouragement from the group kept him on track, even during difficult times.

Adapted Training Regimen: Biking, Walk Intervals, and Yin Yoga

Post-surgeries, Kevin adapted his training to accommodate his health needs. His routine now includes walk intervals, biking, and yin yoga, allowing him to stay active without overstraining. “Running was, to me, the easiest and really the smartest activity. Start easy, get into it, and figure it out along the way,” Kevin advises. This balanced approach has enabled him to maintain his passion for running and continue participating in races.

Looking Ahead: The Disneyland Half Marathon and Beyond

Kevin’s next goal is the Disneyland half marathon, a testament to his enduring love for running. His advice for newcomers is simple: be patient and enjoy the process. “It’s a lot of learning and just enjoying it. You’re gonna have bad runs, but the good ones make up for it,” Kevin emphasizes. He also recommends seeking advice from seasoned runners and staying consistent with training.

Advice for New Runners: Patience, Enjoyment, and Seeking Guidance

Kevin’s journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring runners. His story highlights the importance of regular health check-ups, especially for those with a family history of health issues. He encourages runners to find a supportive community, adapt their training as needed, and embrace the ups and downs of the journey. “It’s all about enjoying the run and not getting too caught up in the times or distances. Just keep moving forward,” Kevin advises.

High School Cross Country to Life-Changing Marathons

Kevin Shea’s story is a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of running. From a high school cross country runner to a marathon finisher overcoming significant health challenges, Kevin’s journey is marked by resilience, adaptability, and a deep love for the sport. His experience serves as an inspiration for others, demonstrating that with determination and support, it’s possible to overcome obstacles and achieve personal fitness goals.

