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Casual Rides to Racing – Zach Varnell’s Journey

Casual Rides to Racing - Zach Varnell's Journey Hollie Sick Run Tri Bike

In 2018, Zach Varnell found himself at a crossroads. Like many people, he wanted to improve his health, shed some pounds, and embrace a more active lifestyle. Little did he know that the decision to hop on a bike would not only transform his body but also introduce him to a new community of cyclists, challenges, and a passion for racing that would take him across the country. The path from casual rides to racing is long but Zach was determined to take it on.

The Start of a New Adventure

Zach’s journey into cycling began with a simple goal: to get into better shape. He started riding casually, enjoying the freedom and the thrill of exploring new routes. Cycling quickly became more than just a form of exercise; it became a way to clear his mind, challenge his limits, and discover a new side of himself.

In 2021, he moved to a new neighborhood. This move would prove to be an important moment in his cycling journey. His new neighbor, an experienced cyclist and athlete coach, noticed Zach’s enthusiasm and invited him to join his cycling team. This neighbor introduced Zach to the world of periodized training and convinced him to start racing.

Embracing the Racing Community

Eventually, Zach’s cycling evolved from casual rides to racing. His personal fitness journey into a competitive journey included a structured training program. He not only improved his fitness but also his desire for racing. Zach quickly found himself participating in gravel events, cross-country mountain bike races, and cyclocross races.

Over the past few years, Zach has competed in 4-5 gravel events annually, along with a few cross-country mountain bike races and between 8-10 cyclocross races each fall. The thrill of racing, the friendship of his team, and the supportive community have made these experiences some of the most rewarding of his life.

One of Zach’s proudest achievements came last year when he completed the 100-mile blue course at Steamboat Gravel. The sense of accomplishment from crossing that finish line was indescribable, and now, with another year of training under his belt, Zach has set his sights on an even more ambitious goal: finishing the race in under six hours.

Training with Purpose

Earlier in his cycling journey, he spent several years using TrainerRoad to guide his training. However, this year, he made a switch to his neighbor’s custom training program, delivered through TrainingPeaks. Additionally, Zach supplements his training with Zwift during the off-season, combining the benefits of structured workouts with the motivation of virtual racing.


Here’s What A Typical Week Of Training Looks Like For Zach:

  • Monday: Endurance ride on the trainer (60-90 minutes) + Gym session (30 minutes)
  • Tuesday: Recovery run/walk (60 minutes)
  • Wednesday: Intervals (60 minutes) – VO2 or threshold
  • Thursday: Intervals (60 minutes) – VO2 or threshold + Bodyweight strength/yoga (30 minutes)
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Long, outdoor ride (4-5 hours)
  • Sunday: Rest day or light run

Balancing his training with work and family life is no easy task. Zach’s solution is to start his day early, waking up at 5:30 AM to squeeze in a workout before work and the kids wake up. He also plans two gym nights per week for strength training. 

Weekends are a bit more flexible, allowing Zach to focus on longer rides. He often leaves early for these rides, ensuring he’s back before noon to spend the rest of the day with his family. Zach and his family also plan vacations around his races, turning events like Steamboat Gravel into opportunities for family vacations. 

The Cyclocross Experience

For Zach, cyclocross has been a particularly exciting addition to his racing calendar. The season typically runs from September to late November, filling a gap in his year-long training program. Cyclocross races, which last between 45 minutes to an hour, are high-intensity and require a unique blend of bike handling skills and physical fitness.

Preparing for the cyclocross season involves high-intensity interval training, weekly skills practice sessions with his team, and hill repeats to build the strength and agility needed for run-ups. These sessions focus on mastering essential cyclocross skills like cornering, mounting and dismounting at speed, and bunny hopping barriers.

Looking Ahead

As Zach reflects on his journey, he’s excited about what the future holds. He’s recently started getting back into trail running, a sport he enjoyed in college, although he admits he’s a bit slower now. The idea of completing a triathlon has also crossed his mind, with swimming being the discipline that needs the most attention.

Zach’s journey from a casual rides to racing shows it’s never too late to try something new. You never know where it will take you. Whether it’s on gravel, dirt, or a cross-country course, Zach is ready to take on whatever comes next. 

You can find Zach on Instagram. 



Hollie is a runner, hiker, swimmer, residing in California. She has worked in run specialty for nearly 8 years and has fit hundreds of people for shoes. Outside of the running world, she enjoys the general aviation world, her two cats, and spending time with her spouse.