When: Sunday, May 16, 2021, 10 a.m.., Rain or Shine. Healthy Kids Run (kids 8 & under) starts at 9:50 a.m.
Where: NEW LOCATION!! Silver Lake Elementary School, 200 East Cochran Street, Middletown, DE
Course: Run/walk route is on paved country roads and is relatively flat and fast.
Registration: $25 until May 9, $30 after and on event day. Registration starts 9 a.m. Kids race is FREE!. Make checks payable to the Ryan R. Wagner Scholarship Fund and mail to TriSports Events, 2772 Hazlettville Rd, Dover 19904. Questions? Call 302-388-5940. Email: info@FlyLikeRyan.com. Register online at TriSportsEvents.Com.
Awards: Custom awards for overall male, female and master’s winners and top 3 male & female runners in 10 year age groups starting with 14 & under, thru 70 & over. 5K walk awards for top 3 male & female finishers.
Medals to all Healthy Kids race finishers.
Amenities: Quality “Ryan's Race 5K” t-shirts to all participants. Post race festivities includes free food and beverage. Results/photos will be posted at TriSportsEvents.Com. Go to FlyLikeRyan.com for more information on Ryan's scholarship fund. MyLaps Chip Timing will be used to time and score this event.
Benefits: Event proceeds will be used for Scholarships in Ryan's name for Appoquinimink School District students.
Finish Line: Event Management, Timing & Results Provided by TriSports Events and our great volunteers.