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Turkey Trot

When: November 25, 2021
Where: Cape Carteret, NC
Race type(s): 5K, 1M

Get your costumes ready and get your flock together to enjoy a beautiful Thanksgiving morning together. Walk, run, or strut 5k or 1 mile on a course through beautiful Star Hill area. This is NOT a timed event. It is just plain fun, family, and community. Flock Registration is a good way to get the whole family active on Thanksgiving morning and burn calories for the rest of the day! Register as a flock and your flock will be entered to win best dressed flock at the race!

*NEW 5k (3.1 mi) keyhole course this year! The course is flat and fast 5k or a 1 mile out-and-back through Star Hill.

The first 200 participants to register are guaranteed one of our famous race shirts. Participants have said that they do this event solely for this shirt. The shirt is a bright orange long-sleeved moisture wicking shirt with our Turkey Trot race logo on the front and our local sponsors on the back.

Not ready to race with the crowd yet? Check out our VIRTUAL options. Stay home and run, pick up your swag and race shirt via our contactless packet pick up protocol.

1st male to cross the 5k finish line wins a pumpkin pie!
1st female to cross the 5k finish line wins a pumpkin pie!
Best dressed flock wins a pumpkin pie!
Best dressed Turkey wins a…..
Yes, (you guessed it) A PUMPKIN PIE!!

Packet Pick Up will begin Monday, November 22, 2020 at 12:00 pm and will close Wednesday, November 24, 2020 at 5:00 pm. We encourage participants to take advantage of contactless packet pick up by calling The GYM prior to pick up.

Start/Finish Area is located at The GYM Cape Carteret Aquatic & Wellness 300 Taylor Notion Road Cape Carteret, NC 28584

Registration will close Wednesday, November 24, 2020 at 12:00 pm.

Race morning registration & packet pickup will be available starting at 7:00am – 7:45am. Increased Registration cost for Race Day. (5k – Single $40.00; Flock $150.00) (1 mi – Single $35.00; Flock $125.00) ***SHIRTS NOT GUARANTEED WITH RACE DAY REGISTRATIONS***
***cash , check or credit cards accepted***

A volunteer will be available race morning to help with late registration and packet pickup from 7:00am until 7:45am.
Online registration is encouraged.
To reduce front desk traffic, packet pick up will be available the entire week of the event. Please call ahead for contactless packet pick up.
Participants are NOT required to wear a mask while running the race.
Aid Station will be set up halfway through the course.

Cape Carteret Trail
A portion of the proceeds from this event benefit the completion of The Cape Carteret Trail, a 3.1 mile loop asphalt that will welcome walkers, runners, and cyclists of all skill levels and abilities. The goal is to link area neighborhoods, businesses, schools, public services, recreation, and nature areas. The trail project will include exercise areas, gardens, nature trails, wooded areas, and numerous memorial benches.

Any donations made through this page will go directly to the Cape Carteret Trail.
