*Registration will open on June 1, 2021*
6 year old 25m swim
7-8 year old 50m swim
9-10 year old 75m swim
11-12 year old 75m swim
Each athlete will have one lane to swim the prescribed distance. They may have to share a lane. Only 6 year olds will be allowed to have swim aids, but all swimmers can stop, touch bottom, or ask for assistance without penalty. Upon finishing the swim, participants will exit the pool deck (barefooted) and run to the transition area.
Pool swim lanes will be assigned on a first come first serve bases. There will be two kids in each lane for any group larger than 6 participants.
Transition Area:
Volunteers will be in transition area to assist children as needed. Participants will run to their transition spot and put on their helmet, shoes, and any additional shorts or shirt they may want. They may not ride their bike until they exit the Transition Area and volunteers instruct them they can mount their bike.
Volunteers will line the course with in sight distance of each other. There will be one aid station on the course.
6 year old 1/3 bike
7-8 year old 1 mile
9-10 year old 1 mile
11-12 year old 1 mile
6 year old 100 yd run
7-8 year old 1/3 mile run
9-10 year old 2/3 mile run
11-12 year old 2/3 mile run
Volunteers will line the course with in sight distance of each other. There will be one or two aid stations on the course depending on the distance the participant runs.