Swimming to Madeline Island has been a storied feat around the Bayfield area for decades. Starting as a community swim for 24 people in 2006, the Point to La Pointe Swim has grown into a thriving race that sells out annually at 550 swimmers. Due to COIVD-19 we have made some changes to the event. This year will feature a new route. It is a one-time coastal, 5k triangular loop course that will start at Halvor Reiten Park/Public Beach (the beach just south of the Rec Center) and Parallel the Brownstone Trail out toward Wild Rice Retreat, turn back and end at the Public Beach where it began. Our new one-time location change will allow for a socially distanced start. If COVID-19 is still an issue, masks will be provided to all swimmers and will be worn until it is their turn to start. We will utilize a different start format this year.
As a participant, you’ll enjoy this particular section of Lake Superior, which provides great views of the scenic landscape, including beautiful stone cliffs. Spectators will be able to spread out and watch the swim from the famous Brownstone Trail and Wild Rice Retreat property. This event is registered with and approved by the US Coast Guard.
Registration fees 386 spots remaining