Father’s Day 4.44K
June 18-21,2021 Run Anywhere
Keel and Ryles Holiday and Clover Glove Race Series – All proceeds support Georgia 4-H.
Event details and schedule
WHEN: Run the race between Friday 6/18 and Monday 6//21. Send finish times using this LINK https://forms.gle/s2vsg2UjD9CJwD2t9 no later than dark:30 on Monday, 6/21.
WHERE: Anywhere.
Fathers Day Spotify Palylist: CG Fathers Day Playlist
AWARDS: Pre-registered participants will receive a T-shirt that will be mailed as soon as practical. Black Bag ,Clover Glove, and Georgia Runner Points.
Registration: $20 no later than until 6/15/20 to be assured of a shirt. No shirt preregistration rate is $14.00. Registration available at Active.com.
Contact: Roger Keel rkeel@mindspring.com Checks payable to Georgia 4-H Foundation. Mail: Clover Glove, Georgia 4-H, Hoke Smith Annex, UGA, Athens GA 30602