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Colonial Half Marathon and 5K

When: February 19, 2022
Where: Williamsburg, VA
Race type(s): 13.1M, 5K

43rd Colonial Half Marathon and 5K

The tradition continues, on February 19th, 2022 in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Colonial Sports, Inc. invites you to test yourself in this prestigious and historical
Half Marathon Run. Are you Bad Ass!

5K Runners
6 Waves of 50 runners each from fastest to slowest. 2 Minute separation between waves. All 5K runners and walkers must be on site
NLT 8 AM. We will move Waves and or runners up depending on the number of participants present and the weather. We will not start Wave one before 8:30 AM.

Wave one Starts at 8:30 AM near the intersection of Nassau and Francis Streets adjacent to the Dewitt Wallace Art Museum in Colonial Williamsburg, follow Nassau St. to Prince George St. turn left on Prince George St, follow Prince George St. to a sharp right onto Scotland St. follow Scotland St to a right on Nassau St and then left on Prince George St. You’ll enter the historical Colonial Williamsburg, run past the Governor’s mansion and turn left on Nicholson St., then right on Waller St and take a right at the bus stop and enter the path leading past the Capitol Building and onto the Duke of Gloucester St., Run towards the Armory building around the cone on the Duke of Gloucester St. and onto the gravel path leading to Francis St, cross Francis Street and onto S. England st., right on Newport Ave., and right on Nassau and then up Fortitude Hill and to the Finish.

5K Awards:
Medals are awarded to the top three men and women overall, top three men and women Masters and Grand Masters, top three male and female 14 and under, and then five year age groups from 15-19 through 80 and over.

Mini Half Runners

One Wave of 50 Runners and walkers. Mini Half participants start and finish at the start line. This is not an officially timed race.

Start at 09:30 AM. The Mini Half will Start at 9:30 AM following the last of the Half Marathon wave start. See Course Map. Runners Start on Nassau st, cross Francis take the first right onto Duke of Gloucester St. run to a turn around point at the end of the Duke of Gloucester St. and back to Nassau, left on Nassau, cross Francis and thru to the Finish.

All finishing participants will receive a long Sleeve T-Shirt, Finisher’s Medal, and a free entry pass to the “Post Race Celebration” and complimentary beer. You must show ID if you're 21 or older for your complimentary beer.

Half Marathon Runners

10 Waves of 50 runners each from fastest to slowest. 2 Minute separation between waves. All Half Marathon runners and walkers must be on site
NLT 8:45 AM. We will move Waves and or runners up depending on the number present and the weather. We will not start Wave one before 9:00 AM.

Wave one Starts at 9:00 AM near the intersection of Nassau and Francis Streets adjacent to the Dewitt Wallace Art Museum in Colonial Williamsburg, follow Nassau St. to Prince George St. turn left on Prince George St, follow Prince George St. to a sharp right onto Scotland St. follow Scotland St to a right on Nassau St and then left on Prince George St. You’ll enter the historical Colonial Williamsburg, run past the Governor’s mansion and turn left on Nicholson St., then right on Waller St and take a right at the bus stop and enter the path leading past the Capitol Building and onto the Duke of Gloucester St., Run towards the Armory building and then turn left to cross Francis St. and onto S. England St., then pick up the traditional course (see map) running out and back on the Carters Grove Country Road. On the last leg to the finish, runners turn left off of S. England onto Newport Ave. then right on Nassau St and up Fortitude Hill and on to the Finish. The time limit for the Half Marathon is 3.5 hours.

All finishing participants will receive a long Sleeve performance T-Shirt, Finisher’s Medal, and a free entry pass to the “Post Race Celebration” complimentary beer.

Half Marathon Awards:
Cash Awards None for 2022

Custom Tiles for the Top ten overall men and women.

Medals for the Top three men and women in Masters and Grand Masters.

Medals for the Top 3 in the following Age Group Categories, 16 and Under, 17-19, five years increment age groups 20-24 through 75 and over.

Both races are a Healthy Heart! Healthy Mind! event.

Donations can be made to the Daniel G. and Rosemary B. Stimson Track Endowment at W&M. For 39 years, the Colonial Half Marathon and 5K benefited the Track and Field program at College of William and Mary. The past success and legacy of this event are due to the guidance and leadership of the College of William and Mary’s Track and Field coaches, in particular, Coach Daniel Stimson. Coach Stimson was the College of William and Mary’s Director of Track and Field as well as the Colonial Half Marathon Race Director for 25 years. Coach Stimson passed away in Oct. of 2017.
