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Challenge Miami - Junior Challenge

When: March 12, 2021
Where: Homestead, FL
Race type(s): Triathlon

CHALLENGEMIAMI is the new bucket list event at Homestead-Miami Speedway! The event is part of the global CHALLENGEFAMILY triathlon series and is set up as a triathlon festival for the whole family. We can’t wait to welcome you and show you why we say #WeAreTriathlon and it’s #AllAboutTheAthlete

The CHALLENGEMIAMI Festival weekend will include a wide array of events catering to athletes of all ages and abilities. The event weekend will host the following events:

  • Middle Distance Triathlon, Duathlon and Aquabike
  • Sprint Distance Triathlon and Duathlon
  • Junior Challenge kids’ race
  • Pro Am Relay Race
  • 5K/10K run/walk events
  • Relay categories
  • CHALLENGEMIAMI Professional race the “Miami Distance”

The top Middle Distance™ Triathlon age group athletes will qualify for entry in THECHAMPIONSHIPto be held in May 2021 and May 2022 at the x-bionic sphere in Samorin, Slovakia.

Event details and schedule

Friday March 12th, 2021

12:00-4:00pm Hot Laps on track
12:00-5:00pm Registration Open
12:00-5:00pm CHALLENGEMIAMI Village & Expo
12:00-5:00pm Bike Check-in Sprint Distance: Triathlon / Duathlon
2:00-2:30pm Briefing: Sprint Distance Triathlon & Pro-Am #1
2:30-4:30pm Swim Course Warm-up
5:00pm Briefing: Sprint Distance & Pro-Am Triathlon #2
5:45pm Briefing: Kids Race Briefing
5:30pm Sprint Distance Pro-Am Relay ‘Under the Lights’

Saturday March 13th, 2021

5:00-7:15am Bike Check-in Sprint Distance: Triathlon / Duathlon
5:00am-10:30am Registration
6:45-7:15am Swimming Warm up
7:30am Sprint Distance Start: Triathlon/Duathlon/Relay
7:45am Duathlon Sprint Distance Start
8:00am-4:00pm CHALLENGEMIAMI Village + Expo
11:00am Awards Ceremony: Triathlon, Duathlon and Relay sprint
12:00pm 5K/10K Race Start
12:00-12:30pm Briefing: Middle Distance #1
2:00pm Junior Challenge Kids Race Start
3:00-3:30pm Briefing: Middle Distance #2
3:00-6:00pm Middle Distance Bike Check-in
5:30pm MIAMIDISTANCE: Pro Race Start
8:00pm Awards Ceremony: Pro Races

Sunday March 14th, 2021

5:00-7:15am Middle Distance Bike Check in: Triathlon / Duathlon / Aquabike
6:45-7:15pm Swimming Warm Up
7:30am Middle Distance Start: Triathlon / Duathlon / Aquabike/ Relay
8:00am-2:00pm CHALLENGEMIAMI Village + Expo
2:00pm Awards Ceremony: Age Group Middle Distance